Monday, 19 December 2011

Week 5 - Thick and Thin

My mixed media series of a few years ago were painted on plywood. There were many layers of images but the layers of paint were fairly thin.  I also used a lot washes, dripping and water.
I am finding with the masonite board, the more opaque paints are better. I don’t mind the board showing through but some of the paint that I have with high transparency are driving me crazy. They are just way too weak and I am having to mix more paint to get the density I want. I need to pay more attention to this the next time I replenish my supplies.
I know I should switch to oil to get the look I am after, but I refuse at this juncture to get a whole new set of supplies. I have too many already. I aim to master the acrylics in such a way that I no longer feel the need to switch.

Dec 11, 2011

Dec 9, 2011
The End of the Beach Trail

Dec 8, 2011
(a brilliant title)

Dec 6, 2011

Dec 5, 2011
2 Weird Trees
I pass a few of these trees everyday, I never noticed them when they had leaves but they are really neat looking with none. I have not shaped them properly as they are here and need to try again sometime.