Monday 30 January 2012

Week 11 - Fruit

After a couple of weeks painting bright flowers, I felt I still needed to do more pictures with lots of colour.
I switched gears and picked fruit this week for fun. I did these really quickly and treated them almost like little studies.

Jan 19, 2012
2 Pears

Jan 20, 2012
2 Apples

Jan 21, 2012
Orange and Apple

Jan 22, 2012
Apple and Pear

Sunday 22 January 2012

Monday 16 January 2012

Week 9 - Flowers

Now that we are actually immersed in a sort-of winter, I need something brighter than the grey days in my world.
I dedicated this week to flowers. I did not want to render the typical still life so I tried to evoke more of a suggestion of them instead. I am trying to just give an impression of the flower. It is a challenge for me to stop and not make them too detailed.

Alert - brilliant titles ahead

Jan 8, 2012

Jan 7, 2012

Jan 4, 2012

Jan 2, 2012

Sunday 8 January 2012

Week 8 - Titles?

Coming up with titles for paintings can be a real chore sometimes. It is easier to not duplicate names so everything is kept straight but it is becoming increasingly difficult to come up with a new title for “Field” for these daily paintings.
I have always found that anything other than landscapes were easy to name.
I did a series based on gameboards that were pretty obvious – Chess 1, Chess 2 etc. Nothing outstanding.
I have also done a lot of titling based on cheesy clichés ie: Just Between You Me And The Fence Post and Running in Circles. These I actually liked the best and had a lot of fun with them. In doing so, I hoped to reassure the viewer that I was not taking myself too seriously. For me, if I can remember what I titled a painting, I feel it is the right one – if not – it needs a new name.
But for these daily works, I am off to paint a new one – maybe “Field with Blue sky and green grass”? Or maybe “Untitled 47” would be just as inspiring.

Dec 31, 2011
Trees Along the Highway
These sad little trees flank the QEW, not sure if they will make it to spring.

Dec 30, 2011
Next Years Christmas Trees

Dec 27, 2012
One of the few days we have actually had winter weather this season.

Dec 26, 2011
Ready for Snow
All of the city snow fencing is up along the lake but for no reason so far.

Monday 2 January 2012

Week 7 - Holiday Break

Seriously, this work was from was Christmas week and I should have just taken it off. I only did 3 pieces and frankly, none of them are terribly inspiring. Grey, yucky dull winter. 
It’s only early in the season and even though we haven’t had much snow, I NEED SUNSHINE to get some inspiration going.

Dec 23, 2011
Snow's A Comin'
A tree top view from my studio - watching the dark grey clouds come in.

Dec 22, 2011
Lone Tree

Dec 20, 2011
2 white pines trying to survive the city and it is not looking so good.