Monday, 26 December 2011

Week 6 - Inspiration

The original plan was to try and capture an image I passed on my way home from work each day but since the time change, I leave for my day in the dark and get home in the dark. I am having to either make scenes up or use reference material.

Do I have to paint an actual scene? I don’t think so. I am trying to work on the way I paint so that is more important than replicating an actual view. That is my justification for having absolutely no ideas some days. But I do need some kind of a plan or I accomplish nothing.

Instead of painting “when the moment strikes”, I am forcing myself to paint anyway. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t, but I can’t say that the result is any better or worse whether I felt like painting or not. 

First Snow
Dec 18, 2011
The snow lasted about an hour after sunrise before it all melted away.

Shed Out Back
Dec 17, 2011
This looks absolutely nothing like I intended.

Farmers Field
Dec 16, 2011

Lots of Green
Dec 14, 2011
This is one of those aimless pieces - I have no idea what I thought I was going to paint.

Barn in a Field
Dec 12, 2011

Monday, 19 December 2011

Week 5 - Thick and Thin

My mixed media series of a few years ago were painted on plywood. There were many layers of images but the layers of paint were fairly thin.  I also used a lot washes, dripping and water.
I am finding with the masonite board, the more opaque paints are better. I don’t mind the board showing through but some of the paint that I have with high transparency are driving me crazy. They are just way too weak and I am having to mix more paint to get the density I want. I need to pay more attention to this the next time I replenish my supplies.
I know I should switch to oil to get the look I am after, but I refuse at this juncture to get a whole new set of supplies. I have too many already. I aim to master the acrylics in such a way that I no longer feel the need to switch.

Dec 11, 2011

Dec 9, 2011
The End of the Beach Trail

Dec 8, 2011
(a brilliant title)

Dec 6, 2011

Dec 5, 2011
2 Weird Trees
I pass a few of these trees everyday, I never noticed them when they had leaves but they are really neat looking with none. I have not shaped them properly as they are here and need to try again sometime.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Week 4 - Studio or en Plein-air

The debate over studio work versus en plein-air will never be solved. Some swear that only paintings done in-situ have the energy the work needs.
I am 50-50 on the studio/plein-air debate.  I do love to sketch outside and take in the images around me.  I paint with acrylics and even though there are extenders and wet pallets, I find the paint just dries way to quickly outdoors for my liking.
I don’t even think about it in the winter. I will gladly go a for hike and take lots of pictures but the thought of sitting outside in 0 degrees is just more than I want to do.
On the other hand after being inside in my studio all winter, I can’t wait to get back outside and paint nature on the spot. For now, I will remain a fair weather plein-air painter and stay in my studio until spring.

Dec 4, 2011

Dec 3, 2011
Field of Green - wishful thinking now that everything is yucky colours

Dec 2, 2011

Dec 1, 2011
Tree Farm

Nov 29, 2011
Rattlesnake Point
A very rainy, rainy November day

Nov 27, 2011
East Over Lake Ontario

Monday, 5 December 2011

Week 3 - Memory – not so good

I really discovered this week how poor my visual memory is. I decided I would try to find a scene that appealed to me as I drove home from work each day. I have been traveling the same route for about 10 years so you would think I would have paid more attention. I figure I have about 3 seconds to glance at a scene as I drive by to try and retain it.
When I do get into my studio and start to paint, I realize I have no more than a vague outline of the image in my mind. I really have to go back to basics - shape, pattern, negative space before I can possibly work on detail retention. I may have to look at the same scene a few days in a row to remember enough to put it on paper.
The work is just an interpretation anyway, right? (I will convince myself.)

Nov. 26, 2011
Fall Sumac
The sumacs are mostly all bare but there was one I saw that still had a few leaves left.

Nov 25, 2011
Fall Grass
There are lots of grasses along the Beach trail with great fall and winter colour, ochres, burnt siennas.

Nov 22, 2011
Grey November Day

Nov 20, 2011
Perfect November Day
Again, the last of the fall colour hanging on.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Week 2 - Changing Substrate

We know that using the best tools possible in any pursuit aids the outcome. For artists this is so true for brushes and paint and as I was reminded through this process, substrate.
I was impatient when I decided to do this work, so I used up a few canvas boards I had in my studio rather than waiting to get new supplies. They really aren’t very good and I don’t like painting on them much. The adage being also, that if you were to actually turn out a quality piece of work, you don’t want to have done it was lousy materials. But good art supplies are expensive and even small canvases at a couple of bucks each adds up if you are going to produce lots of work.
I settled on masonite panels. I used to paint on this all the time but tired of having to frame everything. I like using them so much more. The paint flows better, it is a smoother surface and for me, I don’t really want to see all grain of the canvas boards through the work. I think this is obvious below. I started this with the last work from this week Fall Colour Ending and I like the outcome.
Paintings from Nov 15-19th 2011

Nov 19, 2011
Fall Colour Ending
This is from a field I pass everyday. 
The trees still had great colour and they stood out against the fading grasses.
The was the first of the works on board.

Nov 18, 2011
This was one of those great sunlit days with strong rays partially coming through the clouds.
There was a group of trees really brightly lit and I gave it no justice.

Nov 16, 2011
Rainy Day Cootes Paradise
We had a day of torrential rains this week and I tried to capture the gloom over Cootes Paradise.

Nov 15, 2011
This is a view from the boardwalk at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Hamilton/Burlington. 
I am not please with this outcome. I even worked it over a few times. It is better than it was but still...

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Week 1

These are the pictures from the first week of my new daily paintings.
They have been re-arranged to have the oldest one at the bottom.

Nov 12, 2011
I am surrounded my the Niagara Escarpment.
 I love the fabulous rocks formed over time and continue to paint them regularly.

Nov 11, 2011
Derry Rd. North View

Nov 8, 2011
Fall Trees
Leaves stayed on the trees much later this year with the mild November weather.

Nov 7, 2011
Guelph Line Campbellville

Nov 6, 2011
The Chicken Barn 
For my first pic I picked the barn at my Grandmothers old farm. 
This is an image I have used often in my work.